21 april 2004


Your Life Line reveals that you like to travel, but will always return home. You need a lot of space which is why you prefer spending time outdoors. You tend to have strong romantic tendencies.

Your Head Line reveals that you are over-confident and at times brash. Your independent nature often causes you to make impulsive decisions.

Your Heart Line reveals that you have a masculine nature and are easily aroused by your own desires. You are able to maintain a good balance between the physical and emotional sides that accounts for your warm and generous disposition.

Your Fate Line reveals that your destiny is variable, uncertain and largely determined by other people. If you let go and allow destiny to take its course, you should have a successful artistic or literary career. The most influencial people in your life will be agents, managers and producers.

You have an Air hand. You are a person who is independent, intellectual, analytical and unpredictable. Your optimal career choices are to work as a writer, psychiatrist, scientist, detective and teacher.

Gezien bij Vince en hier gedaan.

Foto:John Coplans

Self Portrait: Hand, Palm
silver print
26 X 33 inches

[HANDLEZEN] Meer lezen »


Zo ziet momenteel onze Japanse esdoorn eruit.

Verschrikkelijk intens rood.
Is de natuur waanzinnig mooi of niet?

[TUIN] Meer lezen »


Gezien bij InnoXia.

De wereld van Sofie – Jostein Gaarder

Dus: als een pasgeboren baby zou kunnen praten, dan zou het vast en zeker iets zeggen over de wonderlijke wereld waarin het terecht was gekomen.

De bedoeling

– Pak het eerste het beste óf je favoriete boek
– Open het op bladzijde 25
– Zoek de 3de zin
– Post de derde zin hier én op je eigen log.

[HET CITAAT] Meer lezen »

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